Security and Privacy

For the purposes and for the effects of the art.13 of the d.lg. June 30, 2003 n.196 (Personal Data Protection Code) and in relation to the personal data we intend to treat, we inform you of the following.
1) The treatment to which personal data will be required or acquired will be directed solely to the activity carried out by Mancino Giulio of Digital Ideators.
2) The processing will also be carried out with the aid of electronic or automated means and it may consist of any operation or complex of operations referred to in Art. A) Legislative Decree 196/2003.
3) Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties.
4) Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 grants the person concerned the exercise of specific rights, including in particular:

  • obtain the confirmation of the existence of personal data, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form;
  • the indication of their origin, purpose and manner of their treatment;
  • the indication of the applied logic, the identification details of the holder, the person in charge and the subjects or categories of persons to whom the data can be communicated or who may become aware of it as a manager or a person in charge;
  • the updating, rectification and integration of data, their deletion, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law;
  • the attestation that such transactions were brought to the knowledge of any subjects to whom the data had been communicated;
  • oppose the processing of personal data in the presence of justified reasons or in the case where they are used for advertising material, direct marketing or market surveys.

  • 5) It is requested that the person concerned undertakes to personally communicate any changes to his / her data.
    6) Data controller and data controller is Mancino Giulio of Digital Ideators with registered office at Via Toschi Mosca 16, 61121, Pesaro PU.

    Delivery Time


    Our goal is to try to ship your order within 12h of receiving payment.
    Delivery times vary seconds of shipping method you have chosen.


    Shipping Method

    -Posta Raccomandata: 12,00€ for the first medal +1,50€ for each additional medal.
    Withdrawal and Refund

    Under D.L. January 15, 1992 #50, the consumer may exercise the right restitution of the item by sending notice not later than five days from the date of receipt of goods. In case of existence of the terms for exercising the right of withdrawal, the seller will authorize the return of consumer goods.

    Authorization received, the consumer must return the goods within five days, or lose the right of withdrawal.
    The product will be perfectly intact.
    Failure to comply with conditions laid down renders inapplicable the right of withdrawal.

    Received the goods, the seller shall verify the status and check the integrity of respecting the same conditions imposed, will refund only the amount of the value of the property purchased, excluding incidental expenses as soon as practicable and in any event no later than ten days the date of receipt of returned goods. Alternatively, the seller, in accordance with the consumer will replace the returned merchandise with another equivalent of consumer choice.